Thursday, July 16, 2009

I need details about credit cards & credit period. Do cards expire if not used in so long? Read

I had ruined my credit when I turned 18. Of course, I have since grown. Now I%26#039;m building my credit back up %26amp; I have a few questions. I%26#039;m not that knowledgable with credit. 1) Do credit cards expire if they%26#039;re not used for a while? 2) If you want to cancel a card (that you have, but doesn%26#039;t have an annual fee) do you have to call %26amp; cancel it or will it cancel itself after so long of no use? 3) Does it look bad to have several credit cards, even if you%26#039;re only using 1 or 2 of them (as far as credit ratings, etc...go)? 4) I have aquired several credit cards recently. I started to get carried away, so I got a credit card, with a higher limit, to transfer most balances to. Now I only want to keep the others for emergency. 3 of them are major CC%26#039;s, while the other are store cards, most I keep for emergency purchases of things I may need frm those certain stores (which offer discounts, etc w/their CC). I only owe on 2 right now. But I have a total of 11 active cards. Do I have 2 many? Help!

I need details about credit cards %26amp; credit period. Do cards expire if not used in so long? Read on for more?rate my professor

1 %26amp; 2. Major credit cards will not expire or cancel on their own. You need to call the company and cancel it. Some store cards may close after years of inactivity.

3. It not really the number of cards but the total available credit that you have. It%26#039;s the ratio of available credit to your income. The higher the ratio the more hesitant companies will be to give you more credit. I keep my total limit no higher than 25% of my yearly income and then try to keep my balances below 10% of my limits.

4. 3 Major CC%26#039;s is fine but the 8 store cards seem excessive. Do you need %26quot;emergency items%26quot; from 8 different stores? Store cards usually carry higher interest rates and therefore should be avoided.

I recommend checking your credit report from all 3 bureaus or at least Transunion. If your score is okay then don%26#039;t worry. If it%26#039;s bad then they will tell you why and give you ways to fix it which may include reducing you available revolving credit.

Also keep in mind that lengh of history also helps you score. So a credit card with 3 years of on time payments is better than a card with only one year. Try not to cancel the cards that you have had the longest.

I need details about credit cards %26amp; credit period. Do cards expire if not used in so long? Read on for more?


It depends on the credit card company you have- Some require that you use the card at least once every two years.. some possibly more or less. You would be best to call and cancel the card. That way you know for sure it%26#039;s done.

Credit companies prefer you to have an account open for a long time.. Anything under 3 years and they hardly even care for a credit card. They also like you to use the cards but not be dependant on them.

Once a year, I purchase a credit report from TransUnion (one of the 3 credit companies) and there is an option to add in the report from the other two companies as well. It ends up being about $40. I find it is much more personal and accurate than that %26#039;free%26#039; report you always see advertised. It will tell you your scores and tell you how you can improve it.|||1.) no your card will not cancel itself, call your credit card company and tell them you want your account canceled.

2.)Yes you have to call and cancel the card. Its easy to do, just get someone on the phone, give them your relevant information and ask to cancel the card.

3.)Yes it looks bad if you have several cards. A good rule of thumb ( I have taken courses in Finance and specifically a course called Commercial Banking that shows exactly how a credit score is formulated) is if you have anywhere from 2-5 cards, no more. Try and keep the cards that you have had the longest and stick with them. Pay your bills ON TIME!! A late payment will not hurt your credit unless its unpaid for OVER 30 days. Pay late if you have to.., pay the minimum at very least.., always!

4l)Yes you have too many!! Try and pair this number down to at least 5. My goodness girl!!

Have you used

You can use that site to see your credit report 1 time a year from each credit reporting company without hurting your score.

Follow the instructions and look at your report. There may be things on there that you can contest. Credit card companies DO make mistakes (we are all human). Credit card companies have real people just like you and me doing the work there.

Good luck!|||cards have an expiration date and can%26#039;t be used after that (usually 1 or 2 years)... BUT the accounts are still ACTIVE.

2 you have to cancel after you make sure there is a 0.00 balance.

3. yes. cancel all the cards you don%26#039;t have. they don%26#039;t just look at how much you owe, but also how much credit is available for you. even if you don%26#039;t ever use it.. you %26#039;could%26#039; use that card for $5000 or whatever the limit is.. and they don%26#039;t like that.

you should have one or two credit cards.. and maybe pick 3 or 4 store cards that you like or need. most store card rewards aren%26#039;t worth the rate if you can%26#039;t pay it off every month

i have

1 american express card (main)

1 discover card (only for the 5% reward on the store on the month)

1 visa card (for amazon purchases and if a place doesn%26#039;t take amex/disc)


1 banana republic store card

1 starbucks visa card (for the starbucks account built in NOT used as a visa card)

my wachovia card (bank card w/visa) is my emergency card and haven%26#039;t used in years (luckily)|||#1. Some do, some don%26#039;t...they all do have expiration dates however.

#2. I%26#039;d recommend calling %26amp; cancelling...or you could just cut the card up (not just once but into small little bits or run it thru a shredder).

#3. Yes, why carry so many cards if you%26#039;re only using 1 or 2? Just carry the 2 you use.

#4. 11 cards is wayyyyy too many. 5 is probably the most I%26#039;d ever have and of the 5, I%26#039;d only ever carry 2 on me at any moment in time.|||Great questions. I%26#039;ll briefly answer your questions. 1) Yes credit cards can become inactive if not used for several months. How long depends on the company. If too many months go by without a purchase, they may even close the account. An inactive credit card account negatively affects your credit score. Solution: Use it for things you need to keep it active. 2) DO NOT cancel a major credit card! Many think that by doing so their credit will improve. The opposite is true. 3) You want at least 3 major credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express). More doesn%26#039;t help or hurt your credit score unless you don%26#039;t pay them on time. 4) Acquiring several credit cards in a short period of time lowers your score because it adds several inquiries to your credit file. Do NOT get any more cards. And Do NOT close any accounts. The store credit cards do not need to be used monthly like the major three. Additionally, it%26#039;s better to spread your debt across the three major credit cards because your score is based partly on the ratio of debt to your credit limit that you carry on each card. Your credit score will improve dramatically. Rolling all your debt into one card is a credit score killer. My new FREE book will soon be available at credit-secrets-exposed dot com and it provide an indepth education on building good credit. I hope you find these answers helpful.

Where can I get a CD Secured Line of Credit?

I need to get a credit line (not a credit card) but my home has no equity. I was told that if I put cash into a CD that I can get a CD line of Credit but I don%26#039;t know which banks offer them? Does anyone know which bank will offer me a CD Line of Credit in the US more specifically in the Florida/Georgia area? Thanks.

Where can I get a CD Secured Line of Credit?payment calculator


Where can I get a CD Secured Line of Credit? loan

most banks will offer a cd-secured loan

HELP with bad credit?

Basic story is I%26#039;m a 19 year old college student with about $3000 in credit card debt. I have 3 credit cards with $1000 on them each. My bank just screwed me over bc a deposit didnt clear in time and I got hit with 7 $35 fees so I%26#039;m really negative. I also have a $75 cellphone bill over due, as well as overdue payments for each card in the amounts of $50, $225, and $75. Any ideas how I can get myself outta this mess. I just got a job but dont get paid for another week, and Ive been trying to transfer to a new card with no interest on balance transfer, but everyone keeps denying my %26quot;pre-approved%26quot; offers, and now creditors have started calling. HELP

HELP with bad credit?credit check

File for bankruptcy.

Actually no. Call your bank and have them reverse some of the charges, save your money and pay off what you can, pay off the minimums on each and manage your money better. That%26#039;s the best you can do for the immediate.

If worse comes to worst, explain to the creditors that you need more time and to ask for payment plans (one level below bankruptcy.)

HELP with bad credit?


can%26#039;t you borrow from your parents until your payday?|||start to make the payments, then you will get prizes. Offer the creditors cupcakes too|||you got yourself into a bind...big time. I have no idea what to do now all i can say is STAY AWAY from credits cards in the future...they are killer|||thats%26#039;s a tough one|||Sure, but you%26#039;re not going to like it.

Cancel the cell phone (yes, I know, early termination fees, but still.)

And get another job - so that you%26#039;re working TWO Jobs. Delivering pizzas is a good one, because of the tips. Or waiting tables.

$3,000 really isn%26#039;t much debt, but I hope it%26#039;s enough to turn you off credit cards forever. They are nothing except a tool of voluntary enslavement. Think about it.|||you really don%26#039;t owe that much. Honestly, tell the creditors you just started working, and you will start making payments. They will want you to tell them when and how much... stick to your guns, if you can afford $20 a month, tell them you will pay them $20 a month... they will try and work something out.. and jsut make all your payments on time and they will leave you alone about it. Been there. Don%26#039;t go getting more cards, it%26#039;s a game that just gets you further behind the 8 ball... the bounced cheques will go away with good payment history.. dont%26#039; worry about it. I would drop your cell plan to a lower monthly bill for now.. less minutes etc.

Big pain in the butt, but make a budget. How much do you bring in a month and take away all your fixed expenses (rent, food etc) and your left over, take the min. monthly payments you owe and make the payment, if you don%26#039;t have it, don%26#039;t worry, if you get into trouble, you still can access that money right. you should take all the money you get for the first few cheques and make big payments... you can then use yoru cards to buy groceries etc as well, and as far as the company is concerned you made your payments on time.

It%26#039;ll take time, try to not use one card at all... when it%26#039;s paid, close it. then do the same with the other 2 cards, when one is paid close it, then pay the 3rd off and keep it, and use it, and PAY IT ON TIME... will help improve yoru credit by having established credit that%26#039;s paid on time|||I just have some articles on credit card debt : Consolidate Credit Card Debt To Solve Financial Problems? , Reducing Credit Card Debt - It%26#039;s Never Too Late To Start , Credit Card Balance Transfer, if you are interest, you can take a look at http://avoid-bankruptcy-get-debt-consoli...

Axn International Sudden Dissapearance?

axn international really established what appeared to be, a well established organised company. this was so well set up by internet fraudsters, that i,d imagine they probably made a hefty profit by suckering people into buying from them. thier pricing structure was relatively accurate. they offered credit card payments and had lots of innocent people sending money, to thier bank account in indonesia. no scruples to who they ripped off weeks before christmas. beware of any such fraudsters. these are every bit as bad as the nigerian scammers. ***A word to the wise****, Be very cautious before you part with your money To Anyone. resort to the old saying **If it looks too good to be true-It probably Is** Merry Christmas everyone.

Axn International Sudden Dissapearance?student finance

i dont understand

Axn International Sudden Dissapearance? loan

I posted before the MAN....HAHA

What can I do to help my sister with her credit problem?

My sister owes about altogether $32,000. She has gotten credit counceling through American Consumer Credit Counseling (ACCC) and she owes $23,000when they consalidated 3 credit cards. She owes a bank loan of $2,000. She owes another credit card $2300, She owes Sears $3200 and Mervyns $700. My dad%26#039;s offered to put all of it on his credit card but I am afraid she will never be able to pay that amount. She makes $23,000 a year and claims she cant find another higher paying job. Can she file for bankruptcy and if she does, what exactly does he need to do?

What can I do to help my sister with her credit problem?heart rate

first off, don%26#039;t help her. If you do she will repeat the actions that lead her here because she will feel she has you to bail her out.

second, she should try to pay off her debt before she just throws up her hands and declares bankruptcy. It will take years to pay it off but she ran up the bills, no one else. If she does declare bankruptcy, then for the next ten years she can%26#039;t do anything financially. Like get house, buy a car, rent a place, or get another credit card. It is very extreme!

Third, if she does decide to , she needs to hire a bankruptcy lawyer. She will have to pay them, up front, a fee. The lawyer will file the paperwork and then it goes to court.

What can I do to help my sister with her credit problem?


As hard as it is, I think you and your father should stay out of it. You can%26#039;t do anything to fix her credit for her. If you assume her debt or co-sign loans, you%26#039;ll be the ones on the hook if she defaults again. She should check to see if she%26#039;s eligible for bankruptcy but as I said, the rest of the family should insist that she sort this out on her own.|||I recommend that she enters the other cards into a CCC program. However, if she is also thinking about bankruptcy she should consider entering the debts into a debt settlement program. With debt settlement she will pay back around 40%-60% of the total debt she owes. She can be out of debt in as little as 12-36 months, with more affordable payments than CCC.

Good luck with everything, and let me know if you have any more questions.|||Can she get a part time job???? It sucks but you gotta do what you gotta do (I%26#039;m working 2 jobs because of credit card debt!)

The best bet is to pay off the smaller debts first....make larger payments towards those and the minimum towards the larger debts....then once the smaller ones are paid off, keep making the same monthly payment but apply it all towards the larger loans....this way the smaller ones will be gone quickly and won%26#039;t be on her credit|||If she wants to file bankruptcy, she should contact a bankruptcy attorney, or go to the county courthouse which will give her the paperwork to file it for herself, and she would only have to pay the court costs then. I would not have your dad consolidate it for her, because if she can%26#039;t pay it, then he%26#039;s stuck with the debt and especially on a credit card that will hurt him in the long run.|||How did she get into debt? Shopping-addiction?

Giving her a bail-out only enables an addict to continue her addictive behavior.

Did ACCC actually do any counceling?

Or did they just give her a $23,000 loan?

Is the miles earned through certain credit cards, the same as the miles which we will be able to tra

Certain credit cards like Miles (Discover), No hassle miles (CapitalOne) offer miles earned as rewards. Does this means we can travel that much miles we earned or is it a different calculation.

Is the miles earned through certain credit cards, the same as the miles which we will be able to travel?credit repair

No. There is no calculation. You need to get a certain number of %26quot;miles%26quot; to get an upgrade or free ticket or magazine subscription or whatever.

The term %26quot;miles%26quot; referred to the miles that you traveled on fully paid tickets to earn the credit. Now, points can be earned many ways, but they are still called miles.

Wife Forged Name On Credit Cards (HELP!)?

My brother needs help. I%26#039;ll try to make the history quick. Wife of 28 years wants divorce out of the blue. He does a credit check and finds she forged his name to several credit cards and ran up about 60K in debt. Also found out IRS has a 30K tax lean against his house on her (not him, they file seperate).

Afraid of credit fraud charges, she signs divorce papers to take responsibility for all but 17K of credit cards (two cards my brother had opened himself, but didn%26#039;t know anything was on them). Now those two cards are saying debt is like 30K, and he is also getting calls from the debt she signed the court order for. Companies are threatening to garnish his wages, etc. She is hiding out (but working as a nurse) so they are coming after thim. Divorce is finalized. She won%26#039;t even respond to offers on the house, one of which was 100K.

How does he make those cards he%26#039;s not responsible for get off his back? And how does he work out the debt with the others? Divorce lawyer is clueless.

Wife Forged Name On Credit Cards (HELP!)?postage rate

As they say about relationships: made in heaven, settled in court...

Wife Forged Name On Credit Cards (HELP!)? loan

Its called identy theft x wife or not call the authoritys. She was given a chance she has did it sence. Time for jail.|||He needs to tell the divorce attorney to talk to people at the court house, have them run the ex%26#039;s SS through and see what shows up for her place of employment. Then that attorney needs to take it from there.|||Well she was your wife when she didn;t it so it%26#039;s not going to matter|||Dude, this is a really serious problem. I would suggest you get involved and help your brother by helping to clear up car problems. phone the companies and ask them to do a card check, whick should hopefully clear up the problems for your brother. I hope your problem is solved, it isnt an easy thing to go through, so stay at your brothers side through it.|||He might have to file bankruptcy, and I think he should file charges against her for signing his name to credit cards, that is forgery. He needs to get tough, get a criminal lawyer and get rid of the problems.|||Tough one... my hubby went thru the same not as much debt but about 25,000. He filed chapter 7 bankruptcy, it was his only choice. It ruined his credit but with careful planning we are rebuilding it. Good luck to you brother.|||Ouch! See what a wonderful thing called marriage can do!|||Contact CC companies and tell them it is fraud. He has to be willing to press charges though. Only problem would be the two cards he opened accounts on, if she was a supplemental cardholder on either one he may be responsible.

Online trial offers: Why do my validations always fail?

I%26#039;ve been working with online ad offers through a system described in the website. Problem is: every time I complete an offer the validation fails, and I don%26#039;t know why. I did get one to go through correctly, but that makes me one for about twenty. Nothing was seemingly different that time

The process involves signing up for a trial offer through a host site. I give them my name, address, phone, and email. Then, I give them a credit card number (which I create from the paypal plugin so it is secure), and I get sent to a validation page. Validation is supposed to take a few minutes, and then the offer is complete. I get an immediate notice that an error has occurred and the validation has failed.

What I%26#039;ve tried: Double and triple checking my information, just to make sure it wasn%26#039;t a dumb mistake - unsuccessful. Uninstalling and reinstalling paypal plugin - unsuccessful. Using my own credit card - unsuccessful

What could be the problem, and how do I fix it?

Online trial offers: Why do my validations always fail?credit card debt

contact the people who run the site, sounds like a server issue

Whats a good CC for peoples like us?

Wife and I have low to average credit, but are now out of all debt (except mortgage).

We are looking for a credit card that offers some rewards since we already use our debt card to pay for everything. Flyer miles are #1 pick, hotels a maybe.

I will NOT take a CC with an annual fee. (I%26#039;m paying them to pay them?? thats stupid.) Interest rate is not real important b/c we will be paying it off every month.

Anyone know of a Card that fits this criteria or am I asking to much?


Whats a good CC for peoples like us?care credit

Capital one has a good miles reward card with no annual fee.

Whats a good CC for peoples like us? loan

Yeah Capital Bank is a pretty good credit card for people with low credit scores. The only thing is that your intial credit limit will be very limited. They usually start with $300 or $500. There is no annual fee and no program fee. After 3 months you can qualify for a credit increase if needed. Orchard bank is another pretty decent credit card.|||I%26#039;ll throw this one to you. Try Amalgamated Bank of Chicago. I%26#039;ve been using them for years. You get frequently flier miles on most of the airlines. I%26#039;ve used them for United Airlines trips to build up my frequent flyer miles for UAL, and as long as you are able to get $25000 in charges for 3 years, you get the free round trip if you book 3 weeks prior to departure. I was able to keep them despite a bk.

Another is Household bank. Theirs is 2% and you can get a check for $25 every time you reach that goal. Of course, you need to contact them to get the check.

Both have on line payments service.|||I think. American Express SimplyCashSM Business Card... This is cool..I%26#039;ve tried it and pretty cool..Or you could try Citi Diamond Preferred Rewards Card... Hope this helps.. :) The sources for these cards are there may take a look at it.. :)||||||I would go with American Express Blue (with Cash Back rewards) and Discover (cash back rewards) as well. I am using both to pay for my basic necessities and its almost like I am being paid to use my card. In some instances I get double cash back on certain items like gas, hotel use, restaurants and other things, but as I said I am using these 2 cards for my basic necessities and not using cash and I pay the full amount every month|||You would be better off just sticking with the debit card.

If you play the credit card game sooner or later you will get behind and start to lose at the game. What happens when an emergency comes up and you can%26#039;t make the credit card payment?Once you start losing at the credit card game. it%26#039;s hard to get out of the game. High interest rates which they can raise for any reason. Outrageous late fees and over the limit fees. The credit card industry is a billion dollar a yr bussiness. They are not gonna lose.

Your gonna spend more to get the rewards.

Mcdonald said that when they started taking credit cards that the average transaction went from $4.75 to $7.00.

Would you like a hot apple pie with that? NO THANKS!!

Debt free is the way to be!|||Check out here you will be able to compare all major credit cards side by side on rates, fees and reward, no matter what kind of credit you have they have the right card for you|||Citi Diamond Preferred Rewards Card is the best rewards credit card. The rewards programs are amazing. It has No annual fee. You can earn 5 points for every purchase made for the first 12 months. 0% introductory APR on balance transfers for 12 months.

However, what makes this card truly amazing is the so-called Thank You redemption programs. Unlike any other program, the Thank You redemption program is based on the concept that for every purchase made at supermarkets, drugstores and gas stations, you will receive 5 points. And for other purchases you%26#039;ll get 1 point. The points can reach up to 75, 000. There%26#039;s a wide array of rewards in which your points can be spent. These include hotel accommodations, gift cards., entertainment, airline flights, dining, clothing and many more. You can also get gift cards from major retailers that offer you 10% discount.

Great Review Found here:

If you like Miles Rewards, here%26#039;s a variety of cards to choose:

I also recommend the Hilton HHonors Platinum Card from American Express:

Best Feature: No annual fee; three points for general purchases; additional hotel benefits and services for cardholders; bonus points.

Balance Transfer Limits?

I have a college debt on my CC for $3500.00 and I was wondering if I balance transfer that amount to another credit card that offers 0% APR on payments and BT%26#039;s, would it be possible, even though I have never used another credit card but my BOA card. I heard that the CC companies have BT limits, is my balance of $3500.00 going to exceed the amount?? Does anyone know what the usual balance transfer limit is for a company??

Balance Transfer Limits?inflation rate

Every card is different - depends on how much of a credit limit they give you - you might not get an initial balance anywhere near $3500 - for purchases use or balance transfer - if you%26#039;re young and have only had one credit card, I highly doubt the other cc comp will give you more than $1000 balance to start, especially if the $3500 on your BOA card is near or at the maximum limit

Settlement Offers?

I have a credit card with a balance due of $9036. This account is in a collection agency and the people there are ruthless and degrading. They have put words in my mouth that I have never said. I want to be done with these people. They made me an offer of $6500 and have given me 3-days to pay it. I told them I could make monthly payments and that is totally unacceptable. They want the lump sum at once. They have threatened me and next step it to go to court. I recently had a judgment from Discover made against me. I cetainly do not need another one. They are very extremely difficult people to deal with. I do not have that lump sum money. I am going to apply for a Prosper loan but that will take some time if I get approved What are my options? Could I offer them a lower settlement amount? How do I determine that amount? I was thinking making 2-settlements offers to this one and Discover. Will they remove the judgment and negative report on my credit? I welcome any advice.

Settlement Offers?credit bureau

I%26#039;m not sure how credit works in the US as I am in Canada but I can offer some information. Overall they should be offering you more than 3 days to pay and I%26#039;m shocked that they aren%26#039;t willing to make payment arrangements with you. If you don%26#039;t pay they don%26#039;t get paid, it%26#039;s as simple as that. A collection company is a third party business that has been contracted to collect payment and they get paid a percentage of what they collect from you. Each company holds the account for so long and if they are unsuccessful it is passed on to another company. Until it goes to court (which is threatened more often than it actually happens). A settlement is usually offered at the tail end of their contract in order to try to make some money off the account. A settlement offer is marked as such on your credit, it shows you paid it off, but not entirely and it still shows as a negative on your credit for 7 years (or so that is in Canada, may be more or less time in US, not sure).

Here is what you should do. Talk to them and tell them what you can do. They may say that isn%26#039;t acceptable, but tell them that is all you can do, if they don%26#039;t accept it and if it goes to court, make sure that you state that you have attempted to find a suitable payment arrangement that you could manage and that they were unwilling to work with you. Keep records of all your conversations with them, what was said, who you spoke to, dates and times.

Here in Ontario there is a ministry that governs collection agencies and they have to follow strict guidelines. What they have done to you would be illegal here and they could lose their license as a business and pay hefty fines, including the outsanding debt that they were trying to collect on. (I know this from personal experience). Do a bit of research and see if there is anything similar where you live.

Your next step, if unsuccessful with the collection agency would be to contact the company itself and speak to a manger in their accounts receivable (or may be called something else such as collections, payments, credit etc.) and tell them your situation and see if they can help. They may be able to work something out with you and pull it from the collection agency. This will also help improve credit score overall.

Settlement Offers?


I would suggest familiarizing yourself with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (link below). It governs how collection agencies deal with consumers. It prohibits a lot of abusive collection practices, some of which you might have experienced.

Have you requested that the collection agency validate the debt? You have the right to do so under the FDCPA. All you need to do is to send them a letter (I would do it via certified mail, return receipt requested and via regular mail) saying that you request that they provide verification of the debt.

If you aren%26#039;t getting anywhere with the collection agency and believe that they may have violated the FDCPA, then I would strongly suggest that you contact an attorney. You can get a referral from your local bar association and you might be eligible for free legal help from your local county legal aid office.

As for the Discovery judgment, as soon as Discover gets their money (either the total amount of the judgment or some negotiated lower amount) Discover is required by law to mark the judgment as %26quot;satisfied%26quot;.|||Dont give in you can get them to shut up and never contact you again by sending a letter of debt validation and a letter of cease contact you can find both letters free on this website they are just trying to pressure you into paying them a huge commission. your debt of 9036 was probably bought by that collection agency for .06 cents to the dollar or 542.16 dollars they are trying to make a huge profit off you. The headlines yesterday were huge earnings for debt collection firms, don%26#039;t be one of the statistics cheers


What is the most generous Visa rewards card?

I%26#039;m looking for a new Visa credit card and want automatic rewards. In other words, all I have to do is spend and the awards apply automatically.

I have no %26quot;credit worthiness%26quot; issues (score 800+) to worry about.

Things I do not want:

- I have to contact the credit card issuer to redeem awards.

- Rewards have to be taken as part of a car purchase.

I%26#039;d prefer that the reward be an automatic credit to the account but it%26#039;s ok if it%26#039;s automatic but not a credit (e.g. Visa issues gift certificates automatically).

The Pentagon FCU Visa offers 1.25% automatic cashback, but I do not qualify as a member.

So what%26#039;s the best deal for such a Visa?

What is the most generous Visa rewards card?child tax credit

You might want to try the Chase Freedom Cash Visa here:

It has a very flexible rewards program and a generous cash back bonus of 3%. You can also choose points which can be redeemed for lots of different reward choices.

Hope this helps. GOOD LUCK!

What is the most generous Visa rewards card?


Try Discover Card|||There are some credit card companies who offer a regular Visa or MasterCard that can be used everywhere credit cards are accepted and who offer cash back reward programs for spending done using the card. If you are a person who doesn%26#039;t really shop in one specific store all of the time, you%26#039;ll want to research the credit cards that are not store specific that offer the cash back rewards. Be sure to research the terms and conditions of the card completely before signing up, as many cash back credit cards require you to pay an annual fee, have much higher interest rates than cards without cash back rewards, and in some cases- the credit card may require you to carry a balance from one month to the next in order to receive the cash back benefits, which means that you will probably pay more in interest than you will receive in cash back credit. Try to determine how much money you plan to charge on the credit card throughout the year, and then following the conditions of the cash back program, figure out how much cash back those purchases are likely to earn you. Once you have these numbers, you%26#039;ll be able to decide whether or not the annual fee you pay for the cash back credit card is worth the cash back you actually receive. If your annual fee is significantly higher than the amount you estimate you%26#039;ll receive in cash back, you%26#039;d be better off selecting a credit card with lower interest and no annual fee that does not offer the cash back rewards. Apply online for a best visa card at:|||Reward credit cards reward you depending on the amount you spend on the credit card. Usually, you can collect rewards through 3 methods. One method involves earning cash back on the card, which is generally a certain percentage of each amount you spend. The next method involves giving points or any other type of token to the customers to accrue. They can then redeem these points for gifts like luggage, cosmetics and other goodies that the credit card company offers. Most of these reward schemes have alluring gifts and huge variety of selections. But the better option is to go for a cash back reward as it allows you to use the money any way you like.

Pay off credit cards, pay off old judgment or save for home?

After a year of aggressively paying down debt, my wife and I are in a position to pay off all off our credit card debt in about 16 months while saving up enough for a down payment on our first house. (It%26#039;s amazing how paying off two car loans frees up cash!)

Here%26#039;s the thing: I have an old judgment from my college days. It%26#039;s more than a decade old. I could work it into my budget by taking another six-to-eight months or so to pay off the card debt or not save as much for the home purchase.

Should I make the judgment a priority? Is an unpaid, ages-old judgment more harmful to a prospective home-buyer than credit card debt?

Also, the judgment has switched hands many times (at a fraction of its amount, no doubt). The current holder recently offered a 10 percent discount on the amount. If I were to negotiate a settlement, what percentage would be an good one to aim for? And would it be worth paying an attorney to handle those negotiations? The judgment is for $4,000.

Pay off credit cards, pay off old judgment or save for home?mortgage lenders

You should pay the judgement, with or without a lawyer. Most mortgage companies or banks wont approve your home loan if you have a judgement. They look worse on your credit than credit cards, because they are court ordered, no matter how old they are. And don%26#039;t be fooled if you are pre-approved without paying it. When it comes time to apply for the actual loan, it will require you to pay it.

Pay off credit cards, pay off old judgment or save for home? loan

Congratulations on your progress. When you get totally out of debt (except for your home), I hope you will come back and counsel the less fortunate, here.

I would ask a lawyer about the strength of the judgement. Morally, you should pay it, but legally, the statute of limitations may be about to expire, or have already expired.

I like your plan of paying off the credit cards, and saving at the same time. It seems you have the discipline, so maybe, if the credit cards are at a higher rate than savings interest, you want to route your funds to paying the cards first, then route everything to saving, afterwards? It should be to your financial advantage.

No super rush to buy a house. Prices are still going down.|||first thing is get rid of the old judgment!!!|||In order to qualify for a mortgage loan you need to pay down as much debts as possible. That includes any old judgment or collections. So you should put paying off all debts as priority over saving up for a house down payment.|||Hi,

I used %26quot;Credit Solution%26quot; to settle my debt and improve my credit score.They managed to reduce my debt up to 58%.It%26#039;s legitimate.I came across this company on NBC News Special Edition.Check it out here:

How can I spend wisely with airfare purchase using AMEX/Discover card?

I%26#039;ve recently applied for and was offered two AMEX cards: One (charge card with 14.24 APR option, 1% cashback directly deposited into a savings account) and Blue ($2,00 credit limit, at 0% promotional APR, 1 percent cashback I think). I was also approved for a Discover Platinum ($4,000 limit, at 0% promotional APR, 5% cashback).

I%26#039;m about to make a big airfare purchase for about $2,000 and want to make monthly payments and pay it off before interest charges accrued. My goal is to establish credit with these new prime creditors. What is the best plan for making this purchase using one of the cards (or multiple cards)? Pros and cons? Should I call to convert Blue into Blue Cash for their 5% cashback offer? Should I request credit limit increases for Blue and/or Discover just in case I use one of these cards and my credit utilization won%26#039;t look %26quot;maxxed out%26quot; from the onset?

How can I spend wisely with airfare purchase using AMEX/Discover card?unemployment rate

Well, if your airfare purchase is $2k and your AMEX Blue only has a $2k limit, you shouldn%26#039;t put it on there. The AMEX charge card will start charging you interest right away if you don%26#039;t pay it back within a month, so if you want to make monthly payments on the airfare, you should put it on the Discover card.

If you are using these cards for very little else, then you probably don%26#039;t need a credit line increase at the moment, since you would only have $2k used out of $6k total available.

How can I spend wisely with airfare purchase using AMEX/Discover card?


I agree with aj485

Just an FYI --

I wanted to add that AMEX is, and has been for the last couple of years, creating a habit of locking account(s) without notice and requesting financial reviews. They will not unlock the account(s) until the person complies and sends the info.

There seems to be no rhyme or reason what triggers the FR%26#039;s, but they are happening. It looks like it%26#039;s not a matter of IF a person will be FR%26#039;d, it%26#039;s a matter of when.

(lately it looks like they have beefed up their FR dept. and are running it 24/7)

It hits people who are on the low end up to people who are on the extreme high end.

People have been known to be on trips, in restaurants, etc., etc., etc., and when trying to pay finding that AMEX has the account locked.

So if you are planning on using AMEX, especially on a trip, be sure to have a back up non AMEX card just in case.||| cards are never a good way to finance a trip :-) If you can%26#039;t pay cash for it, postpone your trip until you have the money for it. Then it doesn;t matter which card you have since you%26#039;ll be paying it off at the end of the month.

Second...I am not a %26quot;don%26#039;t have credit cards%26quot; person. I always purchase airline tickets, car rentals, big ticket items, etc with a credit card since it has protection (i.e. travel insurance, car rental collision insurance). Personally I have the CitiBank AAdvantage (American Airlines) card. It ha sa yearly fee (waived for first year) plus 20,000 bonus miles after your first major purchase and 10,000 bonus miles for the first two years each.

Finally, the AmEx cards are not a good choice. The 5% cash back is only on supermarket/drugstore/gas station purchases that EXCEED $6,500 dollars per year. So if you spend less than $600/month on gas and groceries, you will never see the 5% cash back.

Discover is not accepted as widely as an AmEx, Visa, or MasterCard so avoid them

What do I do with an old tenant's mail that keeps coming to my mailbox?

I%26#039;ve lived in this apartment for about 2 months, and since then I%26#039;ve been receiving this guy%26#039;s bank statements, credit card bills, offers, etc...Curiosity got the best of me one time and I opened a letter from a credit card company with some very harsh wording regarding an unpaid balance in the thousands...I don%26#039;t know what the polite thing to do is.

What do I do with an old tenant%26#039;s mail that keeps coming to my mailbox?credit card offers

Sounds like this guy is on the lamb or just plain stupid.

He forgot to notify the post office of his new address.

I would throw all the mail in a box and send a letter to the postmaster informing him or her that the old tenant no longer lives there and that you have this mail. That would be the polite thing to do and also stop the mail from coming to you!

What do I do with an old tenant%26#039;s mail that keeps coming to my mailbox?


Use it as toilet paper. It may hurt for awhile but you%26#039;ll save lots of money. Report It

|||put it back or give it to mail person|||Maybe ask the apartment manager for his new address. I used to get catalogues for adult movies in the mail. I kept them. :))|||I usually put a note on the mail saying the person no longer lives there and if that doesn%26#039;t work, I tape a note in the mailbox itself where the mail man can%26#039;t miss it saying %26quot;Jones Only%26quot; (Not my real name). If that doesn%26#039;t work, I would go directly to the local p.o. and tell them in person. Also, you don%26#039;t want to open someone else%26#039;s mail. It%26#039;s a federal offense!|||In addition to the answer jsb3i gave, if it is 1st class mail gather it in a bundle with a rubber band. On the top piece write, %26quot;Person has moved and no longer lives here. Address unknown.%26quot; then either give it to your postal delivery person or take it to your post office.|||I%26#039;d put it back in the outgoing mail and write on it %26quot;incorrect address%26quot;

or just catch the mail man and see what he says you should do.

Anybody have the United Mileage Plus Visa from Chase?

I was looking into getting a credit card that offers miles. I%26#039;ve seen a lot of people with the United Mileage Plus Visa from Chase. I%26#039;m kind of interested myself...but before applying for it I would like your opinion. Is it worth getting? Do you think they%26#039;re fair? or are there better credit cards than this particular one? Thanks for your help.

Anybody have the United Mileage Plus Visa from Chase?credit check

It is a great card from chase. The benefits of this card are:

* 17,500 Bonus Miles

* One-way, 1,000 mile, One-class Upgrade Certificate

* $25 United Discount Travel Certificate after first purchase

* 2 miles for every dollar spent on United purchases - up to an annual cap of 150,000 miles

* 1 mile for every dollar spent on all other purchases

* Visa Platinum Business Card Benefits

You can apply online for this at:

Anybody have the United Mileage Plus Visa from Chase?


I have a Chase Master Card that gives you miles on any airline - not just United. I did some research before getting it and it was the best Master Card I could find that gave you points for all airlines. Now, if you happen to be a teacher, you can get a National City Visa through the NEA that is even better.

How can i find a web site that gives away free stuff without any offers to give?

when ever i go on a website 2 get a xbox 360 or a playstation3 for free but then i have to give a credit card number or i have 2 complete a offer

How can i find a web site that gives away free stuff without any offers to give?student finance

Maybe try . It%26#039;s divided by cities, and you can contact the person offering. The Free section is a subsection of the For Sale category.

How can i find a web site that gives away free stuff without any offers to give? loan

Dude, I%26#039;m sorry to tell you, but there are like no sites that give out actual free stuff. All of the sites you said you went to are just ways for businesses to get richer by making people sign up for their junk in false hope of getting a free Playstation 3 or Xbox 360 or whatever. Yeah, is a good place to find cheap stuff for sale in your area, so maybe you might wanna use that to find a cheap Xbox 360 or Playstation 3 or whatever you might want.|||these r steps how to get free items most r free offers but u have to get other people to sign up to claim a prize if u need to buy something because u dont like the free offers it will be 1 item around $10 and you can get online gift cards at places like walmart 7/11 circut city bust buy etc to do it

step 1 use exact link as shown below, this automaticaly helps me get one to

step 2 buy a small $10 offer some are free

step 3 get any people in the us or canada to do step 1 and 2 useing the link on your account page. the amount of people needed will be shown in the progress page of your account ive seen from 2 to 14 %26quot;the ones below are mine to help me get a prize by refering people to the site but u can still get a prize even if you were refered so please use links below%26quot;

step 4 claim your prize in the mail after only spending a few dollars if any

if you like to buy online please view the buying choices and if you decide to make an account use a link below please, it will help me get one of the prizes. email me if any questions i didnt start this so i dont have all the answers.

you may sign up for every site if you wish. the item you want will only cost around $10 unless u get a free or expensive offer again my email thank you|||one of the best places to get free stuff is they update with new freebies daily and they are REAL freebies no refer 5 friends or signup for 10 offers to get the freebie. Only real free stuff. I get free products, Tshirts, CD%26#039;s etc.. all the time thanks to this site.|||any site that gives away free stuff is going to require you to do an offer. how else would they make money?

i know there%26#039;s TONS of bad apples among the group, but there are legit sites that give away xboxes and other stuff. the business model makes sense so they don%26#039;t have to rip you off to make a profit, but some i guess find it too tempting... basically any site that you see advertised, or claims you %26quot;won%26quot; one, is a ripoff. the legit sites have a very small profit margin, but the ripoff sites would have to make millions to afford myspace advertising and all the other they do.

a legit site works like this: you join the site and then choose from a list of %26quot;offers%26quot; to try. these are things like free trials of blockbuster online, or just all different things, but most are free trials. depending on what type o site it is, you either complete X amount of offers, or you refer X amount of people to also sign up and do an offer or two. even on a do-it-yourself site you might spend like, $30 on offers. so not 100% free, but a very small amount.

when you sign up to try these services, the company (meaning blockbuster, or whoever) pays the %26quot;free stuff%26quot; site for getting you to try them. what the ripoff sites do is instead of freely letting you select from offers to do, they put a handful of em on three or four pages, and say %26quot;complete 2 offers on each page%26quot;. then right before you have earned your freebie, on the last page, they limit your choices to crap like car loans or other insanely expensive junk, so that you can%26#039;t finish. don%26#039;t sign up for any site that doens%26#039;t let you see and choose from all of the available offers.

i did one of these sites a few weeks ago (called Somethin4Nothin) and did get a free ipod. i did a do-it-your site (called a Points site), not a %26quot;refer X people%26quot; site. i tracked my progress in a blog here:|||I love free stuff

freebie empire(shana10212 refered you)

google freebies


I get free stuff in the mail everyday!

Good luck!

If you want more sites then email me!

Can I add a Personal Line of Credit to my Commerce Check Card?

I opened a new checking account with Commerce Bank. Previously I had an account with Chevy Chase along with a personal line of credit to protect me from any overdraft fees up to $500. Does Commerce Bank offer this?


Can I add a Personal Line of Credit to my Commerce Check Card?credit union

I would call them and ask.

Is it legal for Citibank to refuse to combine my available credit in order to transfer a bigger bala

I want to consolidate my available credit (two Citi credit card accounts) in order to take advantage of a balance transfer offer. Citi says that they will consolidate credit, but they%26#039;ll only allow balance transfer amount on the available credit before combining. Is this legal? I don%26#039;t recall getting a notice specifying this. Thanks!

Is it legal for Citibank to refuse to combine my available credit in order to transfer a bigger balance?heart rate

Legal? They%26#039;re the lender, so they can set the rules.

Accepting credit cards?

I have a small business and have been told that if I accept credit cards in person, my sales would increase. I checked around and it%26#039;s very expensive. But PayPal offers it for a flat $20 per month plus the transaction fees. It%26#039;s called Virtual Terminal, so I filled out the application, they emailed for more information, I faxed it, and was promptly turned down due to my bad credit.

Any suggestions?

Accepting credit cards?credit counseling

I work part time at a small restaurant and we do not accept any plastic. i say maybe once of twice a month i see someone that reads that on the door %26amp; leaves. But on that sign it also lets them know we have an ATM that they can use.

When you accept a credit card typically the business is charged a fee for everytime someone uses one.

you could maybe get an ATM, then for every person that uses it you can make a buck or two.

Accepting credit cards?


personnallly, I have seen people who paid with credit cards take back there money as soon as a job was complete. in other words we installed some carpet and as soon as we were done they called the credit card company and cancelled there money 2 us and got it back/ I would just tell customers due 2 identity theft we are unable 2 afford useing credit cards due 2 identity theft! (Just a personal opinion!)|||Whether or not your sales will increase if you accept credit cards really depends on the type of business you have. Are you a retail business? If so, I would not recommend using a Virtual Terminal. To get the best processing rate, retail business should swipe their cards. Using a Virtual Terminal will put you in the “card not present” category and will result in much higher fees. Accepting credit cards normally isn’t that expensive, I recommend getting a few more quotes from a few processors. You can get a free competitive quote from the company I represent by following the link below. We have had great success in placing accounts with bad credit in the past.|||There are several options for you. Each one has its own advantage and disadvantage.

The first is to get a wireless terminal. These can vary in cost and size. I would recommend a new product that utilizes a cell phone witha credit card reader attached to it. It can work off of several wireless networks as well. It even has a printer that works almost like bluetooth. The initial cost for the equipment is the disadvantage here. However, the lower rates for taking a swiped card will save you $ in the long run.

The second is Pay By Phone. This is similar to what you were speaking of previously. You must purchase a very inexpensive Manual Imprinter $35. While the start up cost is less, you will pay a much higher %. The transaction process will also take longer. Your customer will be staring at you while you are punching in all kinds of #s on the phone.

In your particular situation, I believe you would benefit from accepting credit cards. In a trade show type setting, you want to be ready for impulse buying.

I have years of experience in this industry and can help you get set up regardless of credit history.

We auto approve new businesses.

Our website might be helpful:|||I do not know....! PayPal is one of the most popular online money transfer systems widely used for online auctions, pay to surf programs, e-books and purchase of low value goods. It is now a part of the online auction website eBay. More details available at|||I would pass on using credit cards for payment - if the person decides after they buy and they don%26#039;t want the item all they have to do is call the credit card company and stop payment - you would be out the item and the monies!@|||Try checking with your Bank, sometimes they will help out a customer,also check with the major credit card companies, they might have a program for you, and last but not least , check with the Small Business Association. As far as Trade shows and swap meets,the ones I%26#039;ve been to make it known they only accept cash...If someone really wants what you have to sell, believe me, they will find a bank with an ATM.....Hope this helps|||The %26#039;problem%26#039; with bad credit is it almost always involves credit cards. So if your bad credit is with a bank or company like Discover, they and the others look at you as not paying up, or not paying when things get tough.

So, while you%26#039;re not asking for credit, those same companies don%26#039;t want to deal with you.

Bad credit hurts in many ways. Especially if there are losses involved.

Sorry, I know that%26#039;s not what you want to hear, but it%26#039;s true.

Thinking about a rewards card for myself...?

Okay, so I%26#039;ve been comparing some offers, but I thought I%26#039;d see what you guys say about this. I%26#039;m thinking of getting a cash rewards card to use like my debit card (i.e. only spending cash I have and paying it off on time every month). The thing is, I%26#039;m a student with no credit and I don%26#039;t spend all that much money in a year (though that might change now that I have a bit better of a job). So I was looking for a credit card with no annual fee and a good rate for cash back, especially on things like gas, groceries, and telephone/internet bills. Any recommendations?

Thinking about a rewards card for myself...?credit repair

Read the fine print. Make sure it is a fixed rate. Also be sure that which ever company you go with will not raise your interest rate without just cause. some company%26#039;s will raise your interest rate if you are late paying your auto insurance or your electric bill etc. What i do is call them and ask if they practice such unethical behavior.

Thinking about a rewards card for myself...? loan

check out There are tons of cards with cash rewards and even if you have little credit or no credit you should still be able to get a good card.

True freebie site?

is there freebie sites out there that have no:

sign up offers


Credit card

particicpation offers

True freebie site?postage rate

The all time best site for freebies is And the best thing is you can also add your own freebies that you find. IT%26quot;S THE BEST!!!!!

True freebie site? loan


Then go to the top of the walmart site. On the Right you will see In Stores Now. Click on the In Stores Now. It will say Free Sample. There is usually two or three different samples you can get at one time.One Sample per household. Try these sites also MoMandDads Freebie Site./ CrazyLadys freebies / / Arlanas Freebies/ Angels Freebie site / Sassysues freebies/ Freaky freddys freebie site.

I hope this will help you. These should be working sites.

Reason for 0% APR Cards?

What is the reason for credit card companies offering a 0% apr card apart from the usual promotional spin? Is there somnething to do with the economic cycle we are in?

Reason for 0% APR Cards?honda finance


People join for the 0% but then stay with that company when the rate rises.

Also they got you hooked for insurances and other services.


Reason for 0% APR Cards?


no|||The economy is great right now.

The current fed. interest rate is 5.25%

I have a feeling the 0% APR is like a temporary 6 month kind of deal till the real rate kicks in|||It is just to attract new customers... I have never seen any card company offer 0% for more then 18 months or so.

And they hope you will screw up and forget to make a payment, which will make the interest rate go to 23% or more...|||Because people don%26#039;t usually pay off their credit cards while they%26#039;re in 0% APR. I think usually after 6 months your apr will go up to like 16.9%. Credit cards are not anything good. They%26#039;re all in the business to rip you off.|||Most of those offers are called %26quot;teaser cards%26quot;. They offer the zero interest rate only for a short period of time then it automatically changes to the high rate. be careful.|||Its very simple. Its a just a way to attract new customers. Many if not most customers will end up paying interest on a card at some point. So even if the bank is letting them use money interest free for one year, many of their new clients will end up with balances after one year. And normally the interest rate jumps WAY up.|||Miss one payment, your interest jacks to 18%. Miss another, see 24%... another? Hello, 28% or more...

So you get that 0% card, maybe pay 5% or up to $75 for a balance transfer, then you go on a shopping spree because hey, it%26#039;s practically free! Suddenly, you are paying out the wazoo the for interest and penalties.

Credit card companies are quite similar to your corner drug dealer -- the samples are free, but once you are hooked...|||They want to extend their customers base. Banking industry is a very competitive market. Banks already borrow money at least at 5.25% from other banks or the Fed. If they loan you at 0%, they would hope that by the time the promotion rate runs out, you%26#039;ll not be able to pay the rest and whatever left over, it will go to the higher rate. Sometimes it is a variable rate, not fixed rate. That means when the prime rate goes up, your APR will go up too.

The transaction fee for balance transfer varies from one customer to another depends on how many times you transfer. Some people have a cap of 3 or 4% max $75 or $90. Others have no max so just imagine if you transfer $20.000 at no max- 3% will be $600 transaction fee or if you have minimum 4% and no max, you will pay $800.00 for transfer the balance.

If you pay late or go over your credit limit, the promotional rate will end. When this promotional rate ends, your APR will be a default rate normally at 32.24 %. They will be able to collect the late fee, over limit fee and the outragous rate. They already figure it out, they won%26#039;t lose money, trust me.

What is the average age of my credit history??

To keep it simple...say i have two credit cards. One of them was opened 10 years ago and is still open. The other was opened for one month and CLOSED because I didn%26#039;t like the interest rate offered. (One of those 9.99, 12.99, or 17.99 offers then gave the crappy APR after approved). There is no negative history on either. I just want to know will the average age of credit history (according to credit bureau) be 5 years or 10 years??

(10 years + 1 month) / 2 = approx 5 years


10 years / 1 = 10 years

I want to know if I am better off keeping a card with a bad apr to keep the avg age of credit from being dragged down so much??

If its the average of ALL accounts then the average will move up much slower than if its the average of ONLY OPEN accounts.

What is the average age of my credit history??heart rate monitor

As long as you don%26#039;t cancel the 10 y/o card, you should be fine. My suggestion would be to contact customer service and request to close your account. You%26#039;ll be transferred to the %26quot;retention%26quot; department in which they%26#039;ll try to keep you around, especially if you%26#039;ve been a card holder for so long. If you%26#039;ve had perfect payment history all this time, there should be no reason why they won%26#039;t lower your APR, especially if you%26#039;re getting offers for other cards. If you%26#039;re receiving any offers in the mail, keep them and use them as leverage. Make it look like you%26#039;re serious about levaing them if they don%26#039;t take care of you by lowering the rate. Remind them that you%26#039;ve been a loyal and excellent customer for the past decade and that it would be a shame to lose a customer. Hopefully they will see the light and take care of you. If not, then I would still keep the card, but I would BARELY use it, I mean like no more than about $10/month, to where it%26#039;s showing activity.

What is the average age of my credit history?? loan

Your posision is good

Good luck

Is it a good idea to start establishing credit as a college student?

I am about to be a sophomore in college. I am not a big spender, but every once in a while I%26#039;ll make a purchase that either requires a credit card or I would rather not pay with check or cash. I have been told it is a good idea to start establishing credit now for the future. Would this be a smart decision? What kind of card would be best for me, providing I would rarely use it and only for purchases in which a credit card is necessary? What kind of rates should I be looking for? As a college student, I get offers every day in the mail, but I%26#039;m not sure what would work best for me. Thanks for your help!

Is it a good idea to start establishing credit as a college student?credit card debt

It is the perfect time to build credit, especially now when you%26#039;re a college student, because in a couple of years when you graduate college, you%26#039;ll need to be in a position to make in on your own. Going to school is one thing, getting a job is another, and taking care of yourself in this world%26#039;s another.

What you really need to understand is that credit should be used as a tool to help improve the quality of life. Some people rely on it way too much and end up using it as a crutch. Some examples of how credit can directly affect your lifestyle would be trying to find a place to live, getting decent transportation when public transportation won%26#039;t do, and even some jobs require a good credit history.

Now as for the kind of card that you need. Keep in mind that it should be one without fees, whether it%26#039;s a processing fee or an annual feel. Citi and Chase both offer very good student cards. I posted links to these below.

Also, another way to establish credit is to by reporting all your monthly payments with PRBC. They%26#039;re a credit bureau that specializes in %26quot;alternative credit%26quot; by reporting regular monthly payments that doesn%26#039;t show on your report such as rent, utilities, cell phone, insurance, etc. It%26#039;s free to join, and they also have a billpay service that automatically reports payments you make through the service with PRBC. I posted a link to their website as well, which I strongly suggest you check out!!!

I hope that this answer helps,

Good luck!

Is it a good idea to start establishing credit as a college student?


so long as you pay off balance every month and don%26#039;t get over your head in debt. that can affect your credit for years, including car insurance costs|||Its a good idea... However, dont make the same mistakes I did. When I got drunk, I would blow through $200 a night. I racked up huge credit card debt and I am now paying the price.... I was a finance major as well, go figure. Most banks offer cards for students will relatively low interest rates.. They are your best bet..... Wachovia, Commerce, etc.|||Establishing credit is good.A secured credit card from your current bank is a good idea, it will help establish your credit with little worries. It is basically like a debit card. However much you put on the credit card is the ammount that you can spend.|||It%26#039;s a good idea to get a credit card to start establishing your credit history. Be careful not to get into too much debt - a lot of young people make that mistake.

Look for a good interest rate. 10% is good.

Don%26#039;t get a card with annual fees.

Pay it on time. Always pay more than the minimum.

You%26#039;re going to want to keep this card as long as you can.

The older the credit card (in good standing) the better it looks on your credit report. Cancelling a credit card in good standing, is like throwing away a good report card.

And do research! You can never stop educating yourself about finances. Check to compare credit cards.

Good luck!|||I disagree with most people on this one. Stay away from CC%26#039;s when in college. If you need to use a CC for purchases get a debit card from your bank. Establishing credit is not as important as completely staying out of debt. CC%26#039;s are a trap that most if not all college students fall into. I know, I was one of them.

The truth is that most 80% of college students will graduate heavily in CC debt. People who are as poor as college students tend to lean on their credit. Couple that with little to no life experience and that spells BIG profits for CC companies.

Live like no one else. Don%26#039;t get CC%26#039;s! You will thank me later.|||credit is one of the few things in life where the more you use, the more you get.

most of the credit card companies offer special student cards like the one I%26#039;ve linked to below.

make very sure you pay the bill on time and get started building you credit history. you%26#039;ll be glad you did.|||Yes, being a college student is probably the best time to start building credit. It is easier to get a credit card while your a student because lenders target college students. I got my first credit card when I was a college student and now I have excellent credit. I recommend you pay your bills in full every month because the interest will probably be high. The Chase flexible student rewards card is a good choice.|||As the name suggests, a student credit card is specially designed for students and is very different from your regular credit card. Because it may be the first time for college students to apply for a credit card, most credit card companies designed their student credit cards to be a form of secured credit cards.

It will help a student to avoid accumulating high amounts of debt because of reckless spending. If you need groceries, or that recommended book but you don%26#039;t have the money for it, then it may be time for you to use your student credit card. It is good if you start learning good financial habits from your student life itself. Don%26#039;t use the card to pay for everything and anything. Use it judicially or it will land you in a debt to repay after the college finishes.

It is not unusual to find the representatives of credit card companies promoting student credit card in college campuses. However, finding a right card will take much more than contacting the representative of credit card company. Develop a habit of shopping around and getting the best deal out there. Though the interest rates on student credit cards are relatively low, they also offer a low credit amount. If used judicially student credit card can become the perfect means to build a credit history and jumpstart your financial wellbeing. Apply online for a best student credit card at:

Does accepting "pre approved" credit cards hurt my credit?

Don%26#039;t those inquiries look bad on my report? What are your do%26#039;s and don%26#039;ts on %26quot;pre qualified%26quot; credit cards? I%26#039;m 21 and I want to be really careful. Out of about 8 offers, one looked ok (it%26#039;s called Salute by Visa), but I need to do more research. Any advice is helpful.

Does accepting %26quot;pre approved%26quot; credit cards hurt my credit?care credit

Credit card companies regularly look at your credit. These %26#039;soft inquiries%26#039; have little / or no effect. And any effect they may have is only short-term.

Before you accept one of these offers, you may want to compare other credit card offers online. Although credit card companies claim you%26#039;re %26#039;pre-approved%26#039; for an offer, they still have to complete an in-depth evaluation of your credit report before they actually give you an approval. A %26#039;pre-approval%26#039; is based solely on your credit score. They still have to evaluate your credit report before their final decision.

Also, keep in mind that if one company provided you a pre-approval for a credit card-- it%26#039;s likely others will feel the same way about you as a potential card holder. You may want to explore all your options and find the BEST CARD before you accept an offer by mail. You can compare offers at:


Does accepting %26quot;pre approved%26quot; credit cards hurt my credit?


having credit cards doesn%26#039;t help or hurt your credit. if you use them a lot and don%26#039;t make the payments on time or get really into debt is what hurts your credit. just get one credit card and don%26#039;t use it more than you afford to pay off at the end of the month. that will establish your credit rating if you need to borrow money later on.|||Not that I%26#039;m aware of.. I accepted an offer of 0% interest when I was 18. At the end of the introductory period, usually a year, I%26#039;ll transfer my balance to another credit card that is offering 0% interest for a time. So far my credit score is 750, pretty good for a guy who%26#039;s 24. As long as you pay your bills on time, you can accept any credit card offer you want.|||The inquiries that pre-approved offers do are called %26quot;soft inquiries%26quot;, that don%26#039;t go against your credit. It%26#039;s mainly used to see if you would meet the basic requirements of their marketing offer. Once you do apply then a formal inquiry is performed to determine what you%26#039;re credit line and APR will be. Be careful applying for too many of these cards can do a number on your credit score. Each %26quot;hard%26quot; inquiry can knock off up to 3 points off your score and it takes about 2 years for them to be removed. Another suggestion is to see if a low balance credit card or even secured credit cards are offered where you bank. A secured credit card is the easiest, but it has one major drawback: You have to make a deposit upfront that would equal the credit line. For example, if you deposited $500, then you would get the same amount in credit. This deposit is held anywhere from 6 months to a year depending on how well you pay. If you can establish and maintain a solid credit history, then your deposit is refunded with interest and the card becomes unsecured. A tip to keep control of your credit is to make small purchases that you can pay off completely every month. Use the card in emergencies (such as car repairs, medical emergencies) Also when you%26#039;re applying, find out what the APR will be, or at least an estimate. A lot of companies use the bait-and-switch tactic to get customers by luring them in with a low or 0% APR, then gouging them later on with astronomical rates. A final piece of advice is to shop around, you%26#039;re still young and trust me, those cards aren%26#039;t going anywhere. Make sure that you get the one that will work for you!

Good Luck!|||When future creditors review your FICO score or do a search on your credit history, they will base part of their approval decision on the number of inquiries made against your name. Anytime you apply for credit, this counts as an inquiry. Over three inquiries in say a six month period, alerts the creditor that you have been actively searching for credit and may be a high risk borrower.

In my opinion your inquiries do not correlate to your creditworthiness, but in the eyes of some lenders it denotes desperation. If you want to learn more about lending and borrowing, check out the people to peole loan business at Interesting site. You can also see how potential lenders use the number of inquiries as part of their criteria for making a loan.

As for prepaid cards, presumably you are willing to go that route because nobody will give you a standard card, which also means there have been multiple inquiries done against your name in the recent past. Getting a prepaid will probably not impact your creditworthiness any more than it already is. I don%26#039;t have a problem with prepaids, if you have the funds to back it up. Also, if you manage your prepaid well, pay on time, etc., you will some be receiving multiple offers for standard cards.

To learn more about personal money management, visit my webpage:|||I would suggest visiting before you embark on your credit card ventures. That site is worth it%26#039;s weight in gold when it comes to resources and advice. It can also give you a bit of insight on what can happen if credit is not handled with an emphasis on caution.

Also, assume the worst when reading the fine print. Assume that it applies to %26#039;you%26#039; and not some schmuck who cannot handle his finances.

Good luck.|||Rule of thumb! Keep one credit card only for emergencies.

Companies are in this to make money and nothing is free for long. I would go to wherever you bank and get one if you need to. Except for going in debt for a house or car unless you are going to college most things can be bought just by putting your money aside till you can afford to pay cash for it.|||%26quot;Prepaid credit cards offer many benefits like:

Interest-Free purchasing

Even people with a bad credit history can get prepaid credit card.

The credit limit varies according to the balance on the card.

Most of the retailers accept prepaid credit card, and it can be used just like a credit card or a debit card.When you use prepaid credit cards for any purchase, your money spent would be automatically debited from your balance present on the card.%26quot;

Should I consolidate my student loans?

Hi, I have 2 federal student loans: $49K @ 2.75% fixed, and $11K @ 6.8% fixed. If I consolidate, I get a fixed rate of 3.5%. Should I do this? Will I be saving money in the long run or not? Or should I just pay the $11K loan separately instead? I have a credit card that offers a 4.99% fixed rate over the life of the loan. Please advice!

PS: No %26quot;automatic%26quot;/spam answers...

Should I consolidate my student loans?credit bureau

Heck yeah.... if the rates are that good, I think I should look into consolidation too!

If consolidation extends the life of the loan, you%26#039;ll pay more, but you%26#039;ll have a lower monthly payment. So you%26#039;ll need to decide if you want to be out of debt sooner or you want to have more leeway in your budget.

What Credit Company Should I Apply For?

I am 19 years old, and I have a completley clean credit record, nothing bad, but also nothing good. I need to build up a good credit record and I am going to start by applying for my first credit card, but I want to know which company would be the best for me. I am thinking about Capital One. I%26#039;ve been recieving offers from them about their platinum program.

Feel free to include personal experiences and various reasons why one company is better than another. Please don%26#039;t just answer with the company name.

What Credit Company Should I Apply For?child tax credit

I work for Capital One and it is a good card, however, the experience that you have with ANY card will depend on how you use it and whether you manage your credit well.

ALL cards have fees for late payments, overlimits, etc. If you make payments on time and don%26#039;t exceed you credit limit, you will not be surprised and everything will be great.

Capital One does have some of the lowest rates and their rewards programs are more flexible than most. I would recommend them, but please manage your card usage and credit.

What Credit Company Should I Apply For?


low interest and no service charge life long free service.|||before you apply for any credit card please read the book Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. I think you will see building %26quot;good%26quot; credit may not be all that wise of an idea. Or check out his website. Dave Ramsey dot com.|||Capital-One is one of my largest lenders and they have some great credit cards. They also report to all of the credit bureaus.

I have heard that they do not report your credit limit sometimes. Also if you go with them, be very careful, they can be one of the most aggressive banks in the world if you don%26#039;t pay as agreed.|||when i applied for my credit card at 18 i choose to go with my banks credit program. i recieved a great credit score because all i would charge on it was like 1 purchace of fast food. when i really needed a loan by bank didnt even hesitate to give me one because of my credit score and because i had their card.|||I have a Capital One credit card.|||Go get Capital One Credit Card low intrest rate best one to have good luck|||You can find a complete list of credit cards to help build your credit history here:

Although these offers tend to have higher interest rates (and additional fees) when compared to %26#039;standard%26#039; credit cards, they%26#039;ll give you the opportunity to prove your credit worthiness and build your credit score.

* I would highly recommend the Orchard Bank Platinum card. Not only is it one of the most competitive %26#039;unsecured%26#039; offers available (for people with poor / no credit), but Orchard will also offer you their %26#039;secured%26#039; credit card if you don%26#039;t qualify for the %26#039;unsecured offer (meaning you only apply once-- but have the opportunity to get approved for several offers).

Hope this helps. GOOD LUCK!

I am currently paying off my credit cards but student loans are coming up. Should I take classes to

I graduated in December and now that I have a job that pays more than the cost of rent. I am paying $1300 per month towards $12,000 of credit cards (without using them ever again).

I have student loans that are going to kick in on July 2008. I have both private and federal. The private student loans are adjustable rate at 10.5% and 12.5%. I have 24k in private and 24k in federal.

My company offers tuition reimbursement. The federal loans are subsidized .

I am considering taking one class after paying credit cards to defer my federal loans and knock off these private ASAP since even after consolidating, the interest rates are variable.

Will this plan work? If not, what should I do?

I am currently paying off my credit cards but student loans are coming up. Should I take classes to defer themmortgage lenders

I wouldn%26#039;t take more classes for any reason other than because I wanted, or needed, to take additional classes. You would have to pay for those classes anyway. That would just make your debt higher. Also, even if you company pays for it, they usually have rules that obligate you for the money they spend on your education.

Try contacting your student loan people and see if they will allow you to claim hardship deferral. Let them know that you will not be able to pay them and the credit card people. You should be able to pay of the c. cards in just about 9 months. If they will hold off that long-problem solved.

How do you pay credit cards with rebate cards?

Several weeks ago, I purchased a phone with a rebate offer. I recently received my rebate but it came in the form of a quasi-credit card. It has a Visa logo on it with a 16-digit number. My question is, how can I put this money into my checking account? I really don%26#039;t want to use the money in this plastic for consumption purposes. Can anyone help?

How do you pay credit cards with rebate cards?unemployment rate

You should be able to go to your bank and request a transfer of funds from the card to your checking account. It%26#039;s like a cash advance on a credit card.

How do you pay credit cards with rebate cards? loan

Why don%26#039;t you use your Debit Card at Wal-Mart every time you are buying something and you pay yourself back the money with cash until you have the full amount?

Where should i earn $50 online for a nintendo Wii game?

My mom is giving me a choice of one game for the wii, yeah how gay is that, even though i already have 2.

Battalion wars 2 v. Super Smash Brothers Brawl

Either i pre-order brawl and wait till feb. or i order bw2 and get it now.

Pros about Battalion: I get it now, and i can play it now.

Cons about Battalion: It may get in the way of me studying for my first finals ever (9th grade ftw)

Pros for SSBB: More people play, going to be a hit, comes out about a week after finals.

Cons: I have to wait.

Well i think i pretty much have my decision: SSBB

Well i want BW2 but how can i earn it online? Is there anywhere i can make $50 without having to do tedious surveys and credit card required offers?

If you have sites (even ones with surveys) please post. TY!

Where should i earn $50 online for a nintendo Wii game?

I heard Gaming Lagoon and work, but I%26#039;m not totally sure about them. Good Luck getting your $50.

Where should i earn $50 online for a nintendo Wii game? loan

dude ssbb all the way, just wait a little bit|||Well, I%26#039;d try to get a small job, like, McDONALDS or somethin%26#039;|||Yea,you can earn $50 by doing jobs or work by cleaning house and so ur parent can give u money@|||Dude you can buy those games anywhere and then you will have it now. just go to best buy or target or walmart or something. They have them you don%26#039;t need to order if off the internet and those places if you have to you will get it in 24 hours. Just go with driving to a store or waiting 24 hours. Oh and for a job work in the lawn like mow it clean the house dog sit, dog walk, baby sit. and then there is ebay|||put somthing on EBAY you can always earn 50 bucks in notime there

Which airline is better regarding skymiles? United Airlines or Conitnental?

Im about to get a credit card that offers skymiles and dont know which airline company to set it for. My choices are between United and Continental, which is better for me?

Which airline is better regarding skymiles? United Airlines or Conitnental?

Go with Continental. They have the better frequent flier program, and they%26#039;re the best US airline overall too. United, on the other hand, is the worst by a LONG shot (unsanitary planes - I won%26#039;t even mention the conditions I%26#039;ve seen on their planes except to say it has involved every kind of body excrement you can think of, I%26#039;ve never NOT had my luggage go missing on a flight, etc....). So I would go with Continental - they%26#039;re a good airline.

Which airline is better regarding skymiles? United Airlines or Conitnental? loan

go for united airlines|||It depends on where you live If you live closer to Chicago, D.C, San Fransisco, Denver or LA then do united. If you live closer to New York City, Cleveland, Houston, guam or boston do Conitnental. If you don%26#039;t live close to any of these cities then chck what airlines go to your local airport and determine which is better for you.|||On continental, it is more difficult to use the miles you earned. On UA, I have used miles many times, sometimes on a partner airline. You can go to the UA abd CO websites and try a few itineraries you might fly and see if they tell you they have award seats, and compare.|||Depends on what you want to use your miles for.

If you want to use them to travel internationally choose United. They are a member of the Star Alliance. The Star Alliance has the best international network of flights.

If you want to use them to travel domestic choose Continental. Miles eared in Continental%26#039;s OnePass can be used on Northwest and Delta in addition to Continental.

Would it be smart to transfer 6500.00 student loans over to?

a credit card that offers 2.9% interest for life on balance transfers with 3% fee? the student loan interest rate is 9.95 . thanks

Would it be smart to transfer 6500.00 student loans over to?

It would not be smart because no credit card will give you a 2.9% interest rate. There is a catch and if you transfer that money you%26#039;ll find out that there is a catch too late. One it%26#039;s on that card you can%26#039;t put it back into the %26quot;student loan.%26quot;

Your best bet is to probably just keep it where it currently is.

Hope that helps

Would it be smart to transfer 6500.00 student loans over to?


Probably not. As soon as the real Credit card intrest kicks in, it will kill ya. And constantly switching debt to different credit cards will hurt your credit rating.

Check with your bank or credit union about getting a debt consolidation loan. If you could get a lower interest rate it would help.|||This all depends.

1 - are you out of college? If not then you will have to start making payment on the card immediately while the student loan allows you to wait until 6 months after graduation to make payments.

2 - If you are out of school, do you need potential tax deduction on the amount of interest paid on the student loan? The credit card does not offer this option

3 - 3% of 6500 is $135 charge

4 - Credit Card minimum payment means it will take 20-30 years to pay off the debt. If you go this route, make extra payments to insure you pay off the debt in 5-8 years (or faster).

5 - Student Loans are usually set to be paid off over the course of 5 - 10 years. If you go back to school during payment you can defer until you are out of school again. So if you plan on going back to school keep the student loan.|||No. If your student loan is 9.95% it is too high. Get it consolidated to a lower rate. But don%26#039;t put it on your credit card. Credit card balances and student loans effect your credit score differently. A student loans are generally have the lowest rates of any type of loan, sometimes the interest is tax deductible.|||That really depends on your specific situation. Are these Student Loans Federal Student Loans or Private Student Loans?

If these are Federal Student Loans than I would advise against transferring the balance to a Credit Card; if you were to do this than you would lose all of your Federal Benefits that come with your Federal Student Loans. You would also lose your tax deduction privileges for your interest paid on your Student Loans if you transfer them over to a Credit Card. For more information on your Federal Student Loan benefits please visit the source below.

Should i close this card?

I got this credit card(a secured one) a lil more than a year ago from my bank.I was new to the CC world back then, and didn%26#039;t mind paying a $29(annual fee)to get my credit history started.Lil did I know that after a year,when my service would be upgraded(i.e move from a secured to unsecured,with the bank refunding my initial deposit) my annual fee would still cling on.

Obviously, I don%26#039;t want to pay this annual fee when I am getting so many better offers with no annual fee these days. The bank has also clearly stated that if I contact them soon to have this canceled,I wouldn%26#039;t have to pay this fee.However, the thing about %26quot;closing a good standing ,especially the oldest card isn%26#039;t good%26quot; is ringing in my head.what should I do?give me a better idea to negotiate with my bank

Should i close this card?

Some card companies will waive the fee if you complain. I used to do it. Tell them you have better offers on credit. If they don%26#039;t, then you can tell them to close the account. This will not adversely affect your credit record.

Adverse actions are failure to pay or bk, or collections.

Should i close this card?


Actually if you do not have another credit card, you probably should keep it open and pay the fee for at least another year to continue to build history. You build no history on a closed account.

Once you get another card and have it open for a while, give this company a call and see if they will waive their fee. If they don%26#039;t then just close out the card. But you should have at least one other card open for a while before you do this.

Then if you do keep this card open and any other card you get, be sure to use it for regular purchases during the month. Don%26#039;t go over 30% of the balance, and pay it off when the bill comes. This will help you build some more history.|||ANY annual fee is a bad deal. For a secured card, an annual fee is PURE rip-off. They get to hold YOUR money to cover your credit limit AND ask you to pay for the privilege. I would tell them to refund the annual fees I had already paid or lose ALL my business.|||Ok I know a lot about credit from having it good to having it bad to having it good again. You should close this card. Pay whatever is owing in total on the balance including any extra fees or insurances. It is called the buy out price. Pay it and close it. This will not affect your credit what so ever. The history of this current card will remain on your report with good standings as well as payment history. It will also say closed at the customers request. You have nothing to worry about. Never stick with anything you do not feel comfortable with.

Please help! I made something stupid with my credit?

I got this letter from the mail. This letter was an offer for a raffle. You had to call a number provided in the letter. When I called they asked me for an ID number. This ID number was also provided in the letter. I gave them the ID number. Then she told me that I was going to receive a gift by mail because I registered for that raffle. Then she asked me if a had a credit card. I told her that I do. Then we hung up. I did not give her any information. She knew my address and my telephone number already. However, my friend told me that this offer was not for a raffle. He told me that this offer was to enroll me in something else and that later they are going to charge me. I am just ninteen and I don%26#039;t know if the offers that they send you by mail are real. What can I do.? I don%26#039;t want to pay for something that I did not order.

Please help! I made something stupid with my credit?

If I were you I would put a security freeze on all your credit reports. These identity theives can ruin your life with just a minimal amount of information. On the off chance you receive something in the mail, don%26#039;t open it...write refused and give it back to the postman. Same with UPS, FedEx. You can refuse shipment.

Please help! I made something stupid with my credit? loan

Call the credit card company and ask them. Maybe they can help put some type of stop payment on the charges. I know that your regular bank could do it.|||If you didn%26#039;t give them your credit card number, then I doubt there%26#039;s any way they can charge anything to it.

Never give out your personal information unless you know exactly who you are dealing with.|||Don%26#039;t worry, if you hung up without giving them any credit card information, you won%26#039;t get charged anything.|||its a marketing point. They tell you that you have won a free gift, you give them a call. They say can I verify your address and your name? They say okay I will send that too you. Then they ask you do you have a credit card? you say no, they flip to the next page and say do you want one?

If you didnt give your credit card number or your social, they just cant just charging you stuff. You probably wont even get the prize from the raffle. Its a stupid letter, your prize might be another letter.

If you didnt agree to anything then you are fine, and dont worry about being recorded most companies record phone calls. I think you are pretty much safe. If for some reason, which I highly doubt, you get a bill just call them back and tell them you are going to have the consumer protection division in your state handle it. But I highly doubt this will happen.