I am going to court tomorrow for my debt with Discover. My original line of crdit was $8,500 but now with interst, late payment and fees it is up to $13,386.
I got the credit card when I was making great money. I went through 2-seprations with my husband and have supported 3-children on/off with this credit card.
In the past, I have been on a monthly payment plan. Then after 1-year I was told I could not stay on the program. My account never went down so I stopped paying because I was strapped for money. I offered them monthly payment of $50, $75 and $100. This was not acceptable. I recived a letter from the lawyer and they said that they would take 70% settlement in Oct. 2007. Recently I received another settlement offer for 50% in Feb. 2008. I would love to take a settlement offer but cannot pay they entire balance in full.
This card was only listed in my name. My husband does not know anything about this debt. What will happen in court tomorrow?
Court tomorrow for Discover Card Debt?student loans company
There will be a court-directed settlement, probably involving a garnishment of your wages until the terms of the settlement are satisfied. The alternative is personal bankruptcy, which should be avoided if at all possible.
Not being able to pay something all at once does not mean you can not pay and the court will consider the case from that viewpoint.
Court tomorrow for Discover Card Debt?
The court will most likely issue a judgment, which may allow the creditor to ask for wage garnishment, put a lien on your house and car and seize your bank accounts as well as any you may acquire in the future (depends on details of your state law)|||They will put a judgment against you, attaching property or assets with your name on it may also be available to the creditor. Garnishment of wages and/or state tax refunds depending on where you live is also an option after they receive the judgment.|||They will obtain a judgment. Best bet is to file bankruptcy. The debt which is un-secured will go away %26amp; not be your responsibility anymore. It will mess up your credit- being this far behind your credit is already trashed.
Otherwise you will probably have 25% of your net income garnished from your wages until it%26#039;s paid.|||likely the judge will enter a judgment against you for the debt due and they will order a judgment for garnishment for wages if our state does garnishment they may ask for a order liquidation of assets and will have to go back to court to prove of this|||Well, a couple of things you might want to consider.I%26#039;ve had good luck here...http://debt-consolidation.featured-resou...
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