You may want to check where you do your banking to see if they offer a low balance credit card or a secured credit card. Secured cards are the easiest to get becuase you have to put a deposit upfront in order to secure the same amount in a line of credit. Orchard Bank has them, Bank of America has them, for a more complete list you can visit this website
But I would try to get one where you do your banking. If you don%26#039;t have a bank account, then you might want to check these guys out (
It%26#039;s the perfect alternative to a checking account.
But once you get the card, make sure that you don%26#039;t get in over your head by making small purchases that you can pay off on-time,every month. And use the card only in emergencies.
Can anyone tell me what banks offer %26quot;easy to get%26quot; credit cards for people with bad credit?credit counseling
I think Orchard Bank does.
Can anyone tell me what banks offer %26quot;easy to get%26quot; credit cards for people with bad credit? loan|||Orchard bank.|||There is a website at http://www.bad-credit-credit-card-for-pe... that has a list of credit card providers that issue credit cards to people with bad credit.|||easy credit card listings|||You%26#039;re local bank will offer you a credit card as long as you have a good history with them. However, because of bad credit, you will be getting a near outrageous interest rate.
You%26#039;re best bet is to work on getting your credit score up. Pay off any debt, especially credit card debt, that you have now. Don%26#039;t open any cards until you are on good standings with your creditors.
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